Rural counties showing steeper decline in health measures compared to urban counties in 2015 versus 2019—though all areas showed declines in health measures over time (IMAGE)
A national map view of the Health Equity Dashboard, showing: the 2019 distribution in quintiles of a national index formed from five measures (life expectancy, percentage of the adult population that is obese, percentage of the population that is uninsured, income inequality, and air quality) and the percentage of rural, suburban, and urban counties with index values in the best to worst quintiles (top); the county-level distribution of that index across urban, suburban, and rural county designations (middle); and a comparison of the 2015 and 2019 values of one measure (percentage of the population in fair or poor health) at the state level (bottom). The Health Equity Dashboard tool is publicly available at: The base layers for the maps are Shapefiles from the US Census TIGER file repository.
Weeks et al., 2023, PLOS Global Public Health, CC-BY 4.0 (
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