Figure 1| Proof of concept for management of triplet excitons. (IMAGE)
a The simplified Jablonski diagram and design schematic of how to manage triplet exciton transitions without changing the luminophore structures based on Dexter triplet-triplet energy transfer (TTET) and Förster triplet-singlet energy transfer (TSET). PF: prompt fluorescence; TADF: thermally activated delayed fluorescence; RTP: room-temperature phosphorescence; ISC: intersystem crossing; RISC: reverse intersystem crossing. b Chemical structures of the host molecules in host engineering. c The schematic diagram of management of triplet exciton transitions to express Tn→S1 and Tn→T1 mainly and the chemical structure of guest. IC: internal conversion.
by Jiaqiang Wang, Yujie Yang, Xinnan Sun, Xiaoning Li, Liyao Zhang, and Zhen Li
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