Shifting the Focus: A Photovoice exploration of the benefits and barriers of having a pet while experiencing homelessness (IMAGE)
George plays with her monkey after being returned from animal control. “Well you can see she’s kinda the center of my whole world here. Everything. I mean when she was gone, oh my god. I didn’t wanna take any pictures, I didn’t wanna do anything, I wanted my dog back. That was the only thing on my mind. I didn’t deal with the RV for that entire time. I couldn’t. I went up [to the impound lot] and [was given an hour], get what you need for your meds and stuff and let’s go. I didn’t even get clean underwear for myself that day, I grabbed all of George’s stuff to make sure that I got my dog back, because I was going to fight them to the nail and sue the city if I had to [in order] to get my dog back, there was no way they were keeping her from me.” ~ Anonymous and George. Photo used with permission of Participant PV20.
Garland-Lewis et al., 2024, PLOS ONE, CC-BY 4.0 (
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