Arrokoth-MVIC-and-orbitally-averaged-temperature-at-the-seasonal-skin-depth-of-Arrokoth (IMAGE)
Left image was captured by the Multicolor Visible Imaging Camera (MVIC), a part of the ralph instrument aboard New Horizons. Taken on January 1, 2019, just 7 minutes before its closest approach, the spacecraft was only about 6700 km from the surface. Credit for this remarkable capture goes to NASA, Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, and Southwest Research Institute. Right image shows the orbitally averaged temperature at the seasonal skin depth of Arrokoth, calculated based on Umurhan et al.’s 2022 method. The scale is in kilometers, and the view orientation is similar to image on left, looking down towards the south pole
NASA, Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, and Southwest Research Institute
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