Supermassive black-hole growth (IMAGE)
Researchers have provided the best modeling to date of the growth of the supermassive black holes found in the centers of galaxies by combining X-ray observations from the most powerful X-ray facilities ever launched into space with supercomputer simulations of the buildup of galaxies over cosmic history. On the left is an image combining X-ray (blue) and optical (red, green, and blue) observations and on the right is simulated gas column density from cosmological simulations using IllustrisTNG. The observed X-ray emission is mainly from accreting supermassive black holes, as depicted in the artist’s illustration (inset). The length of the short-side of the figure covers the same apparent size as the full Moon in the sky.
F. Zou (Penn State) et al.; Observations: The XMM-SERVS Collaboration; Simulations: The TNG Collaboration;Illustration: Nahks TrEhnl (Penn State)
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