Figure3 (IMAGE)
Graphic displaying vulnerability to future changes in snowpack depth and snowmelt timing for each of 13 agricultural communities examined in the study. Darker circles indicate higher vulnerability, while larger circles indicate greater declines in snow. Ki-WA refers to Kittitas in Washington, Um-OR to Umatilla in Oregon, LW-ID to Little Wood in Idaho, Wa-NV to Walker in Nevada, Ka-CA to Kaweah in California, Ke-CA to Kern in California, Co-NM to Costilla in New Mexico, Pa-CO to Paonia in Colorado, Pr-UT to Price in Utah, Br-WY to Bridger in Wyoming, Wi-WY to Wind in Wyoming, Sh-WY to Shohone in Wyoming, and Su-MT to Sun in Montana. From Figure 3 of the study.
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