The underlying mechanism of the interaction between CmoDREB2A and CmoNAC1 in regulating salt tolerance of grafted cucumbers. (IMAGE)
The underlying mechanism of the interaction between CmoDREB2A and CmoNAC1 in regulating salt tolerance of grafted cucumbers. Both CmoDREB2A and CmoNAC1 are capable of binding to each other’s promoters. The transcriptional complexes formed by CmoDREB2A and CmoNAC1 not only enhance the binding affinity of CmoNAC1 to the CmoRBOHD1 and CmoNCED6 promoters, leading to increased production of H2O2 and ABA, but also facilitate the binding of CmoNAC1 to the CmoAKT1;2 and CmoHKT1;1 promoter and the binding of CmoDREB2A to the CmoHAK5;1 and CmoHAK5;2 promoter, thereby promoting K+/Na+ homeostasis.
Horticulture Research
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