Assembly and genomic features of Z. jujuba Mill. ‘Junzao’ (JZ) and a wild jujube accession (SZ). (IMAGE)
Assembly and genomic features of Z. jujuba Mill. ‘Junzao’ (JZ) and a wild jujube accession (SZ). A Fruits of JZ and SZ. B, C Circos plot of JZ and SZ haplotype-resolved gap-free genomic features. (a) Chromosome length; (b) gene density along each chromosome (red, number of genes per 100 kb); (c) LTR/Gypsy element content; (d) LTR/Copia content; (e) repeat content along each chromosome; (f) GC content (nucleotides per megabase); (h) the innermost part of the plot represents the collinear relationship between the haplotype-resolved genomes. Using 1-Mb intervals, the TE density, Copia density, and Gypsy density were determined in the JZ and SZ genomes.
Horticulture Research
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