The resistance mechanism of indisulam by YAP/TAZ activation (IMAGE)
Scientists from Hiroshima University Hospital clarified the mechanism by which YAP/TAZ confers resistance against indisulam. Indisulam induced degradation of RBM39 in YAP/TAZ inactivated cells, thereby inducing cell death (left). When RBM39 interacts with activated YAP/TAZ (right) it enhances transcription of growth and matrisome genes including collagens and integrins, which activates FAK which is important for cell survival. In addition, YAP/TAZ stabilizes RBM39 so as not to cause alternative splicing. Therefore, YAP/TAZ-activated cells are resistant to indisulam.
Toshinori Ando, Center of Oral Clinical Examination, Hiroshima University Hospital
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