Development of adenine base editors in watermelon. (IMAGE)
Development of adenine base editors in watermelon. A Schematic representation of A-to-G and A-to-K editors. B Representative sequence chromatograms demonstrating A:T-to-G:C base editing in sgRNA1–4 using U-ABE, S-ABE, and R-ABE. Arrows emphasize the efficiency of the A:T-to-G:C conversion. C Genotyping results of T0 edited plants using S-ABE and R-ABE. D Deep sequencing results revealing nucleotide changes caused by ABEs in watermelon T0 lines with sgRNA1, while the PAM sequence is highlighted. E Dot graph illustrating the A:T-to-G:C conversion frequencies of R-ABE for sgRNA1–4. Each data point represents one biological replicate at each target site. F Illustrations depicting the expected amino acid change caused by the A:T-to-G:C conversion in ClFT. G Genotype results of ClFT T0 plants using Sanger sequencing and Hi-TOM. H Comparison of the flowering time between a ClFT base-edited T0 plant generated by R-ABE and a ClTFL1 base-edited T0 plant. Scale bar: 10 cm (the scale bars for enlarged images is 1 cm). I Examples of Sanger sequencing chromatograms for AKBEs in T0 plants with A:T-to-T:A base editing in sgRNA3 and sgRNA4. Arrows highlight the efficiency of the A:T-to-T:A conversion. J Genotyping results of T0 plants edited using S-AKBE and R-AKBE.
Horticulture Research
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