Rapid but nondurable response of a BRAF exon 15 double-mutated spindle cell sarcoma to a combination of BRAF and MEK inhibitors (IMAGE)
Figure 2: Morphological and genetic findings.
(A, B) Representative histological images, H&E, ×50 (A) and ×200 (B), showing short fascicles of spindle-shaped tumor cells with large ovoid nuclei, fibrous stroma with diffuse focal myxomatosis, small adipose clusters and signs of perivascular lymphoid infiltration. (C, D) Two closely spaced missense mutations identified in BRAF exon 15: (C) Schematic representation of B-Raf protein structure (SwissModel) with amino acid substitutions at positions 600 and 607 of the polypeptide shown in red and orange, respectively; (D) an IGV screenshot demonstrating BRAF mutations c.1799T>A p.V600E and c.1819T>A; p.S607T in cis-position.
2024 Sinichenkova et al.
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