SN-A is an important gene regulatory co-expression supernetwork governing 1412 FMD. (IMAGE)
a, Catheter-based angiographic image of typical multifocal FMD (‘string-of-beads’) affecting the renal artery. b, Catheter-based angiographic image of FMD in a different patient 1414 demonstrating typical multifocal renal FMD with aneurysmal involvement (arrow). Image in b reproduced with permission.77 c, Overview of study and data analysis workflow. DGE, differential gene expression; GWAS, genome-wide association study; WGCNA, weighted gene co-expression network analysis. The human schematic was from Servier Medical Art, which is licensed under CC BY 4.0. d, Volcano plot of primary fibroblast DGE between FMD cases versus matched controls. Selected genes were individually labeled (full results in Supplementary Table 1). Blue and purple data points represent the 349 transcripts that were significantly different after multiple comparison testing. e, Top 10 GO terms for terms based on P values of DGE between FMD cases and matched controls for genes showing upregulated gene expression, with these 10 GO terms all showing positive enrichment (full results in Supplementary Table 2). GOBP, GO biological process; GOMF, molecular function; GOCC, GO cellular component. f, Top 10 GO terms for terms based on P values of DGE between FMD cases and matched controls for genes showing downregulated gene expression, with these GO terms showing 2 with negative fold enrichment and 8 with positive enrichment (full results in Supplementary Table 3).
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