Anther development, pollen germination rate, and expression of anther and pollen development-related genes in ‘DK’, ‘ZY’, and ‘Tub’. (IMAGE)
Anther development, pollen germination rate, and expression of anther and pollen development-related genes in ‘DK’, ‘ZY’, and ‘Tub’. (a) Anther development and dehiscence in ‘DK’. T1-T5 are consistent with FlT1-FlT5, and T6 represents 12 hours after blooming. (b) Anther development in ‘Tub’. T1-T5 are consistent with FlT1-FlT5, and T6 represents 12 hours after blooming. (c) Pollen germination rate of ‘Tub’, ‘ZY’, and ‘DK’. ****P-value <0.0001, t-test, n = 10. (d) Expression (FPKM) of anther and pollen development-related genes in ‘DK’, ‘ZY’, and ‘Tub’ from flowers at different stages, including FlT1, FlT2, FlT3, FlT4, and FlT5.
Horticulture Research
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