Disruptions during wound healing phases (inflammation, proliferation, and remodeling) can result in scar formation. Higher levels of inflammatory markers (TGF-β1, TGF- β2, VEGF) and type 1 collagen are present in scars. Current treatments for scars incl (IMAGE)
Disruptions during wound healing phases (inflammation, proliferation, and remodeling) can result in scar formation. Higher levels of inflammatory markers (TGF-β1, TGF- β2, VEGF) and type 1 collagen are present in scars. Current treatments for scars include pressure garments, corticosteroids, laser therapy, and scar excision. Current research explores Yes-associated protein and harnesses TGF-β inhibition to reduce scaring.
Shi Fu, Niharika Singh, Shiffoni Sukhlal, Huiting Luo, Divleen K. Singh, Mimi R Borrelli, Duc Bui, Sami Khan, Alexander B. Dagum and Gurtej Singh*/ Stony Brook University, USA
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