Concordance of hyporeflective areas in the blue widefield scanning laser ophthalmoscope images and non perfused areas in fluorescein angiography image in proliferative DR (PDR) (IMAGE)
A: Multicolor widefield SLO image of the right fundus of a 65-year-old man with PDR showing multiple hemorrhages in a wide area of the fundus. B: Blue SLO image shows a hyporeflective area in the mid-periphery to periphery of the fundus. C: Widefield FA image shows widespread NPAs in the mid-periphery to periphery. Neovascularization is also seen in the superior pole of the eye. D: Magnified image of image B shows hyporeflective areas in the lower temporal quadrant. E: Magnified FA image of image C shows NPAs in the same quadrant of image D. F: The hyporeflective areas in image D are outlined by white dots. G: The NPAs in image E are outlined by blue dots. The outline of white dots in image F is located inside the outline of blue dots image G. (Horie S, Ohno-Matsui K et al. Asia Pac J Ophthalmol (Phila). 2021 Aug 27; 10(5):478-485)
Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Science, TMDU
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