5Z7O is effective against human T-ALL PDXs and shows synergistic interaction with dexamethasone (IMAGE)
(A) Cytotoxicity assays of four pediatric T-ALL PDX cells after treatment with 5Z7O for 48 hours (IC50s 1.6-4.0 μM). Cell viability was measured using an ATP-based assay and expressed as a percentage of the vehicle (DMSO) control. IC50 values were calculated using GraphPad Prism. (B) T-ALL PDX cells were transplanted into NSG mice (n = 5 per group) and treated in vivo with 5Z7O (15 mg/Kg daily). Flow cytometric detection of human CD45 leukemic cells after 5 and 12 days of treatment. Data is representative of two independent experiments. (C) Dose response curves of 5Z7O in combination with dexamethasone in the P12-Ichikawa cell line and with etoposide in the Molt3 cell line. (D) Plot of combination index (CI) versus fraction affected (Fa) of 5Z7O combined with dexamethasone or etoposide. CI values were determined using CompuSyn software, CI < 1.0 corresponds to synergism, CI = 1.0 to additive effect, and CI > 1.0 to antagonism. *P < 0.05 (two-tailed Student's t-test).
Correspondence to - H. Daniel Lacorazza - hdl@bcm.edu
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