MRI Reveals Altered Brain Structure in Fetuses Exposed to Alcohol (IMAGE)
MRI super-resolution reconstruction and atlas-based tissue segmentation. (A, B) Postprocessed MRI super-resolution reconstructions in axial and sagittal planes of a fetus at 26+6 GW. (C, D) Respective manually corrected atlas-based tissue segmentation. Color coding: blue - external CSF-spaces, red - cortex, orange - subcortical parenchyma, brown - periventricular zone, dark green - ganglionic eminence, white - ventricular system, dark blue - corpus callosum, yellow – deep gray nuclei (basal ganglia and thalamus), light green - brainstem, light blue - cerebellum, turquoise - left hippocampus, gray - right hippocampus.
RSNA and Marlene Stuempflen, M.D.
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