Discrete differential geometry-based polarization state tracing method (IMAGE)
Schematic diagram of the generalized PSOCT system and the flow chart of the DDG-based PST method and its applications in biological tissues. The system used in this study is a generalized PSOCT system with a single input polarization state. The single input detection scheme allows a neat, cost-effective and flexible PSOCT system configuration. The flow chart below the system illustrates the strategies of the DDG-based PST method to derive local phase retardation and local optic axis from the PSOCT measurements. The output polarization states represented by Q, U and V are reconstructed by the Stokes parameters calculation. The trajectory of the output polarization states at the Poincare sphere is considered as a spatial curve. Then DDG is applied to this curve to provide the TNB vectors of this curve. By using a 3D rotation operation, the local phase retardations and local axis orientation can be obtained and utilized to visualize the collagen organization in the biological tissue. The images in the right show the applications of this method: collagen organization of a whole mouse heart and the facial skin of a healthy adult. A typical helical-like skeleton of the myocardial fibers in the heart and the skin tension lines in the human skin are clearly visualized using the proposed method.
by Peijun Tang, Mitchell A. Kirby, Nhan Le, Yuandong Li, Nicole Zeinstra, G. Nina Lu, Charles E. Murry, Ying Zheng, and Ruikang K. Wang
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