Microscopy of electric near-field waveforms (IMAGE)
a, Local electric fields inside a bowtie antenna are driven by an incident THz waveform. Femtosecond sampling pulses excite a layer of quantum dots covering the sample. The luminescence depends on the momentary THz field due to the quantum-confined Stark effect, enabling the microscopy of electric near-fields via imaging of visible photons. b, The QFIM signal in the bowtie gap resolves the near-field evolution, verified by electromagnetic simulations. c, QFIM snapshots of the bowtie structure at different sampling delays display 1.5 oscillation cycles of the near-field.
by Moritz B. Heindl, Nicholas Kirkwood, Tobias Lauster, Julia A. Lang, Markus Retsch, Paul Mulvaney, and Georg Herink
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