Polarization-dispersive imaging spectrometer for single nanostructure CD spectroscopy (IMAGE)
a, Schematic drawing of the LCPG-based polarization-dispersive spectrometer. The inset illustrates the director distribution of the liquid crystal in the grating. b, Structure of the vertically coupled nanorod pairs used in this work. c, Dark-field image of an array of vertically coupled nanorod pairs with different geometrical parameters. The period of the array is 3 μm. d, Spectral image of array of nanorod pairs labeled in c. The RCP and LCP components are labeled with red and blue boxes, respectively. e and f are the SCD spectra of sample 1 and 2 in c, respectively. The insets show the correlated SEM image of samples, as well as the left-hand and right-hand circularly polarized components of the scattered light of sample labeled in d. Scalebar: 100 nm.
by Shuang Zhou, Jie Bian, Peng Chen, Mo Xie, Jie Chao, Wei Hu, Yanqing Lu, and Weihua Zhang
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