Synthetic gauge field in a two-leg ladder (IMAGE)
a, Experimental setup. Raman sideband cooling including four Raman lasers (R1-R4) and the pump lasers (pump) are used to cool Cs atoms. The crossed dimple trap (Dim1 and Dim2) is overlapped with a magnetically levitated dipole trap (Dip1 and Dip2) for forming a combined optical trap. A Cs BEC is finally confined in a quasi-1D optical trap composed of Dim1 and Dip2. The uniform magnetic field B can be tuned to change the atomic interaction. b, The momentum-state lattice is formed by reflecting the dimple trap laser Dim1 in (a) to create a series of Bragg transitions between discrete momentum states. Bragg transitions with two- and four-photon processes are used to couple the nearest-neighbor and next-nearest-neighbor momentum states, and form the couplings in the rungs and legs, respectively. c, Population of atoms in the synthetic two-leg ladder can be extracted through the connection of the different momentum states to the lattice sites (m, n).
by Yuqing Li, Jiahui Zhang, Yunfei Wang, Huiying Du, Jizhou Wu, Wenliang Liu, Feng Mei, Jie Ma, Liantuan Xiao and Suotang Jia
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