Building material flow of life cycle in Macao: (a) 1999–2018 (IMAGE)
From 1999 to 2018, the total amount of building materials inflow was 30 Mt, the demolition of building materials accounted for 27% of the inflow, and the NDS reached 20 Mt. Among the imported building materials, sand and cement accounted for a large proportion of the total imports, accounting for 31% and 30%, respectively. In the various building types, other building types (mainly tourism, entertainment, and gambling) consumed the most building materials, accounting for 54%. However, among the construction demolition waste, the largest proportion of gravel (43%) is far greater than other building types. Finally, the construction waste is mainly treated with landfills and reclamation, accounting for 93%, and the proportion of recycling is 7%.
Circular Economy, Tsinghua University Press
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