Fig. 1 (IMAGE)
Controls on Earth do not show significant changes in PVS, VSA, or LV volumes after a 1-y follow-up (A-D). After long-duration spaceflight on the ISS, researchers observed a significant increase in PVS and LV and a decrease in VSA volumes (E-H). Short-duration spaceflight on the space shuttle was not associated with significant changes in PVS, VSA, or LV volumes (I-L). Examples of 3D masks (cyan) of WM-PVS, BG-PVS, VSA, and LV before and after long-duration spaceflight on the ISS (M). The post flight changes in PVS, but not in VSA and LV, were significantly higher in NASA astronauts than ROS cosmonauts (N). All data represent mean plus or minus SEM. Paired (A-L) or independent samples t tests (N). *P less than or equal to 0.01; **P<0.001
Giuseppe Barisano
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