Experimental setup and identification of QMBS states via quantum state tomography (IMAGE)
a. Experimental SC circuit of device I with qubits and couplers in a square geometry. The light-grey dashed rectangles represent dimers that constitute the chain with intracoupling Ja, intercoupling Je and small cross-coupling Jx. b. Schematic (upper left) of the dynamics of the collective dimer states |Π〉 and |Π′〉. Numerics of the ratio Δ/Γ as a function of system size L for different ratios of Ja/Je, with Jx/2π in the range of [0.3, 1.2] MHz (lower left). Four-dimensional hypercube in the Hilbert space (right). c. Quantum state tomography for the four-qubit fidelity FA(t) and entanglement entropy SA(t) in a 30-qubit chain for thermalizing initial states, namely, |0101…0110〉 (i) and |01001…100110110〉 (ii), and the QMBS state Π′ (green). The couplings are Ja/2π = 1.5Je/2π ≃ −9 MHz. The inset shows the Fourier transform of the four-qubit fidelity with the peak at ω1/2π ≈ 21 MHz. The dashed grey line in the bottom panel represents the maximal thermal entropy for the subsystem, approaching to 4ln(2). d. Same data as c, but for different couplings, namely, Ja/2π = 2.5Je/2π ≃ −10 MHz from device II and ω′1/2π ≈ 22 MHz. Schematics in c and d illustrate the bipartition of the system.
Arizona State University, Zhejiang University
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