Micromotors-intext-illustration (IMAGE)
Experimental observations of an Sb2Te3 plate moving spirally around a microfiber. (a) Sketch of experimental setup implemented in a vacuum chamber. VOA, variable optical attenuator; FC, fiber coupler; MF, microfiber; and PM, power meter. (b) Temporal sequencing SEM images of an Sb2Te3 plate moving around a microfiber when the average power of the driving laser is below the threshold power. In this case, the asymmetric reflection of the opto-thermo-elastic wave provides the driving force. (c) A liquid-like state can be observed at the Sb2Te3 plate-microfiber interface due to the Marangoni effect, when the average power of the driving laser is higher than the threshold power. (d) In the case of high input optical power, the asymmetric deformation of the liquid-like state provides the driving force.
Tang, Jia, et al.
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