Soil transplantation around the world (IMAGE)
Soil transplantation projects worldwide come in all shapes and sizes, but what works and why? It is important to treat donor areas wisely and respectfully. From upper left, clockwise: 1) control-treatment comparison restoring semi-dry grassland near Munich, Germany in 2015, 20 years post-treatment. 2) soil translocation in action, triggering tropical dry forest regeneration, near Brasilia, Brazil. 3) Reference vegetation on a Quercus rotundifolia dehesa soil in Salamanca, Spain. 4) Soil receiver site preparation to restore coastal sage scrub in Orange County, southern California, USA.
Wolfgang von Brackel, Maxmiller Ferreira, Ignacio Santa-Regina/Irnasa-CSIC and Megan Lulow/UCI-Nature / collage by NIOO-KNAW
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