Huge Study Finds Tomosynthesis Better at Breast Cancer Detection (IMAGE)
Images in a 42-year-old woman who presented for routine screening. (A) Two-dimensional craniocaudal digital mammogram and (B) two-dimensional mediolateral digital mammogram show heterogeneously dense breast tissue with no abnormality. (C) Mediolateral digital breast tomosynthesis image shows subtle architectural distortion (arrows) extending superiorly from the nipple level. (D) Target US image of the right breast shows a highly suspicious, hypoechoic, irregular mass (arrow). US-guided core biopsy yielded invasive ductal carcinoma with extensive ductal carcinoma in situ (T2N0M0; estrogen receptor–positive, progesterone receptor–positive, and human epidermal growth factor receptor 2–negative). (E) Right-breast MRI scan acquired to evaluate the extent of disease shows a clip artifact in the superior aspect of the irregular enhancing mass (arrows). No other suspicious lesions were seen.
Radiological Society of North America
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