A proposed model for the evolution of TC-transferases and its complexes. (IMAGE)
The function of mitochondrial and bacterial system is simpler with fewer subunits and the only t6A modification function. Archaeal and eukaryotic systems, the KEOPS, are highly conserved, composed of five subunits, of which Pcc1-like and Gon7 are functional homologs. In the later stage of KEOPS evolution, Pcc1-like might appear via a gene duplicate to stabilize the complex and evolved to Gon7 in eukaryotes due to its high mutation rate. KEOPS hs multiple functions, including t6A modification and DNA double-strand break repair. Eukaryotic KEOPS further evolved into a new function:telomere maintenance, because the telomere and DSB are similar to some extent.
Beijing Zhongke Journal Publising Co. Ltd.
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