Example of fully automated body composition assessment in the lung cancer screening noncontrast low-dose chest CT scan. (IMAGE)
Example of fully automated body composition assessment in the lung cancer screening noncontrast low-dose chest CT scan in a 57-year-old male participant. (A) CT axial plane levels corresponding to the fifth (T5), eighth (T8), and 10th (T10) vertebral bodies were predicted. Corresponding axial CT sections were selected for body composition assessment. (B) The field of view (FOV) of each CT section with body section truncation was extended with missing body section imputation. (C) Areas of subcutaneous adipose tissue (SAT) (blue) and skeletal muscle (SM) (orange) were segmented on the field-of-view extended sections. Body composition measurements include SM index (166.2, normal group), SM attenuation (17.5 HU, lower group), SM SD (41.0 HU, normal group), SAT index (189.7, higher group), SAT attenuation (−88.4 HU, normal group), and SAT SD (28.0 HU, higher group). Indexes were calculated as summed area (in square centimeters) across three levels divided by participant height squared (in square meters).
Radiological Society of North America
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