Figure 1 | Structure and working principle of the silent-state-enhanced on-chip infrared circular polarization detector. (IMAGE)
a, Device structure of an on-chip infrared circular polarization detector based on the metal-MoS2-metal architecture. b, Band diagram of the two metal-MoS2 junctions functioning as two Schottky diodes connected face-to-face; and illustration of hot electron injection. c, SEM image of the device. d, Diagrams of two ordinary integrated circular polarization detectors with integrated left-handed Z-antenna and right-handed Z-antenna, respectively, ultra-high CPER mode and balanced mode; and the corresponding light ellipticity dependent photocurrent plots. e, Comparison of the CPERs of ordinary integrated circular polarization detectors with that of an integrated circular polarization detector dimer in the ultrahigh-CPER mode. f, Contour of NEΔχ (χ, f) based on theoretical analysis.
by Yonghao Bu, Xiansong Ren, Jing Zhou, Zhenhan Zhang, Jie Deng, Hangyu Xu, Runzhang Xie, Tianxin Li, Weida Hu, Xia Guo, Wei Lu, and Xiaoshuang Chen
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