Figure 1. Measurement principle of the PEE method. (IMAGE)
Schematic illustrations of the temperature rise curves of a sample obtained from the TGC during electric heating (a) and laser heating (b), where P* is the thermal power received by the sample, I₀ is the incident laser power, TE,max and TL,max are the maximum average temperature change during electric heating and laser heating, respectively, and DCPS is a DC power supply. (c) A typical temperature image of a sample captured by the TGC. (d) Schematic illustration of the maximum temperature evolution with thermal power received by the sample, where H* is the heat dissipation coefficient of the sample during electric heating. (e) The calculated LHCE of all samples, where error bars were derived from the eq. S15 in Supplementary information. A simplified procedure for calculating the LHCE is shown in the lower panel of (e), where A is the absorbance of the sample, H is the heat dissipation coefficient of the test area during laser heating, and η is the LHCE of the sample.
by Kai GU and Haizheng ZHONG
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