Nematode resurrected from Siberian permafrost laid dormant for 46,000 years (IMAGE)
General morphology of P. kolymaensis, female. Scanning electron pictures (A, C), light microscopy photographs (E, F) and graphic presentations (B, D, G) of holotype: A, B) entire body, C, D) anterior ends, E) anterior body, F) perivulvar body region, G) tail. Abbreviations: l.f.–lateral field, ov–ovary, pro–procorpus of the pharynx, t.b.–terminal bulb of the pharynx, u–uterus with eggs, v–vulva, v.p.–ventral pore. Scale bars: A, D, E, F, G– 20 μm, B– 100 μm, C– 2 μm
Shatilovich et al, 2023, PLOS Genetics, CC-BY 4.0 (
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