Working principle of the quantum-dot mode-locked laser. (IMAGE)
The quantum-dot (QD) laser is a promising platform for the generation of both frequency-modulated (FM) and amplitude-modulated (AM) combs. The mechanisms of these combs are different and determined by the gain dynamics of the laser. The AM comb formation requires a slow gain, which can be achieved by applying a low injection current to the QD laser’s gain section. The FM comb formation relies on a fast gain to generate giant Kerr nonlinearity and four-wave mixing. This can be realized by simply controlling the biases on the gain and the saturable absorber. Engineering of the Kerr nonlinearity contributes to a large improvement in the 3-dB optical bandwidth to 2.2 THz.
by Bozhang Dong, Mario Dumont, Osama Terra, Heming Wang, Andrew Netherton, and John E. Bowers
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