Locations of the investigated gem minerals from Egypt and Saudi Arabia and scaled photos of colored gem minerals (IMAGE)
Locations of the investigated gem minerals from Egypt and Saudi Arabia. Scaled photos of colored gem minerals are given. For all, field of view (FOV) = 4 cm. (1) Peridot, Zabargad (St. John’s), off the Egyptian Red Sea coast. (2) Peridot from Harrat Kishb (volcanic field), Saudi Arabia. (3a) Emerald and (3b) Amazonite, Wadi Sikait, Wadi El-Gemal area, Eastern Desert, Egypt. (4) Low-grade emerald (beryl), Wadi Ghazala, Sinai Peninsula, Egypt. (5) Amethyst, Aswan area, Eastern Desert, Egypt.
Khedr et al.
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