Dr. Leif Andersson, professor at Uppsala University and another senior author of the study....Uppsala University
Andreas Wallberg, researcher at Uppsala University and main author of the study....Uppsala University
Genes controlling eye development and light sensitivity differed between the Northern krill from the Atlantic Ocean vers...Uppsala University
Össur Ingi Emilsson, Docent in Lung, Allergy and Sleep Research at the Department of Medical Sciences, Uppsala Universit...Uppsala University
Bengt Glimelius, Senior Professor of Oncology at Uppsala University and Senior Consultant at Uppsala University Hospital...Uppsala University
Healthy organoids (left) show an organized neurogenic zone (shown in yellow) and neural progenitor cells (shown in red/p...Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine in the Helmholtz Association
Lateral spreading tumor (LST) with low grade dysplasia resected with “en bloc” EMR in a patient with longstanding CD wit...Xia & He Publishing Inc.
Scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) images of kaolin particles found in xylem sap in high-angle annular dar...Nanjing Institute of Environmental Sciences, MEE
Impact of Repeated CeO2 Nanoparticle Exposure on Algal Photosynthesis and Biomass....Nanjing Institute of Environmental Sciences, MEE