Therapeutic potential of Wif1oe-OB-derived EVs in osteoporosis through regulation of osteogenic differentiation and mito...Science China Press
TBC1D1 and its downstream target Rab8a exhibit dynamic interaction with NOX2 forming an energy- responsive complex in ma...Science China Press
TaSRT2 recognizes a viral protein to activate host immunity by increasing histone acetylation...Science China Press
Map of the line emission of hydrogen and oxygen in the PJ308-21 system...Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica
Water-Ice Microstructures and Hydration States of Acridinium Iodide Studied by Phosphorescence Spectroscopy...University of Science and Technology of China
The level of circZFR is associated with CRC stage and survival, and circZFR promotes CRC growth and metastasis in vivo...Science China Press
circZFR promotes CRC progression via stabilizing BCLAF1 and regulating the miR-3127-5p/RTKN2 axis...Science China Press
Figure 1 | Device structure and performanceLight Publishing Center, Changchun Institute of Optics, Fine Mechanics And Physics, CAS