TMOS continuous infrared glucose sensor 1ARC Centre of Excellence for Transformative Meta-Optical Systems
Prof. Madhu Bhaskaran, Mingie Yang and Dr. Shanmuga Sundar Dhanabalan...ARC Centre of Excellence for Transformative Meta-Optical Systems
TMOS Infrared Continuous Glucose Sensor in situARC Centre of Excellence for Transformative Meta-Optical Systems
The slab hovers above a checkerboard of four magnets...Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST) Graduate University
Scanning electron microscope image of the coated graphite microbeads...Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST) Graduate University
Chemically coated graphite particles with a layer of electrically insulating silica...Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST) Graduate University
Simultaneously induction of metal oxides formation and template removal...Pohang University of Science & Technology (POSTECH)
Synergistic Effect of Thermal Activation and Plasma...Pohang University of Science & Technology (POSTECH)