Excavation at Gusir Höyük on the shores of Lake Gusir...Staatliche Naturwissenschaftliche Sammlungen Bayerns
Tarsometatarsi (bone of the lower leg) of birds from the Göbekli Tepe site...Staatliche Naturwissenschaftliche Sammlungen Bayerns
Cutting the odds of drug-resistant pathogens emerging in wastewater...King Abdullah University of Science & Technology (KAUST)
COVID-19 mutations and their links with excessive immune responses...King Abdullah University of Science & Technology (KAUST)
ETRI confirms possibility of wireless communication 40m underground in mine_2...National Research Council of Science & Technology
ETRI confirms possibility of wireless communication 40m underground in mine_1...National Research Council of Science & Technology
Operando monitoring of thermal runaway in commercial lithium-ion cells via advanced lab-on-fiber technologies...University of Science and Technology of China
All-optical phase recovery and quantitative phase imaging through random unknown diffusers using a diffractive optical n...Light Publishing Center, Changchun Institute of Optics, Fine Mechanics And Physics, CAS