MRI image with contrast agent (Gd-enhanced), and quantitative MRI images...The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Spreading of lithium-depleted thermal water around the injection borehole along the fault zone after 30 years. (Graphics...Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
4VA accelerates locust gregariousness by increasing social interactions among individuals...Chinese Academy of Sciences Headquarters
Global-scale coastal/inland drought detection, spatiotemporal metrics, and associated temperature anomaly-based drought ...Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Research (OLAR)
A pan-cancer single-cell panorama of human natural killer cells...University of Science and Technology of China
Efficient NH3-Tolerant Nickel-Based Hydrogen Oxidation Catalyst for Anion Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells...University of Science and Technology of China
New technology that significantly reduces the time it takes to measure viable bacteria in food...Osaka Metropolitan University