Fig. 1: An example of a typical backdoor attack (adapted from Wang et al. (2019)...Singapore University of Technology and Design
DNA methylation changes between Tibetan and non-Tibetan groups were enriched around genes in hypoxia-inducible pathway....Science China Press
The genetic and epigenetic structure of the four ethnic populations, and the correlation of the two structures....Science China Press
eEVs transport FSTL1 to activate TLR4/JAK3/STAT3/IRF-1 signaling pathway to induce ALI/ARDS...Science China Press
Figure 2. Convergent dCNEs associated with limb regulatory elements and limb bud formation...Science China Press
Figure 1. Genome assemblies of three limbless lizards and independent limb loss in Squamata...Science China Press
Figure 3. InDel CNEs are primarily limbless-lineage specific and participate in regulatory networks during early limb de...Science China Press
Laser-generated surface bubble of liquid glyceroMax Planck Institute for the Structure and Dynamics of Matter
The U-shaped association between LDL-C level and all-cause mortality during hospitalization and the mediation effect of ...Science China Press