Paola Arlotta, recipient of the 2023 Gutenberg Research Award...Johannes Gutenberg Universitaet Mainz
Proposed Model of ponatinib-mediated disruption of intratumoral Src/Lyn or /Fyn heterodimers....Science China Press
Global distribution of different types of river extent changes in the early 21st century...Chinese Academy of Sciences Headquarters
Prestigious Blavatnik Awards for Young Scientists in Israel Announces 2023 Laureates...New York Academy of Sciences
ustainable methane utilization technology via photocatalytic halogenation with alkali halides...University of Science and Technology of China
Visual comparison between ground truth (left), an existing ML method [Brandstetter et al. ICLR. 2022] (center), and resu...Japan Science and Technology Agency
Comparison of computation time and errors from the ground truth...Japan Science and Technology Agency