Figure 2 Model-estimated total CH4 emissions (the solid orange line shows the estimation and the range of uncertainty is...National Institute for Environmental Studies
Figure 1 Emission estimates for 2010–2018 in China. The four regions analyzed include North China (NE), South China (SE)...National Institute for Environmental Studies
Figure 3 Changes in estimated CH4 emissions from natural gas (NG) (upper and lower range in blue) and model-estimated to...National Institute for Environmental Studies
Working principle of the intelligent metasurface.Light Publishing Center, Changchun Institute of Optics, Fine Mechanics And Physics, CAS
Figure 1. Schematic illustration of chiral plasmonic nanoparticle array and enantioselective sensing....Seoul National University
Graphic depicting putative hydrothermal vents at the bottom of Enceladus' ocean...University of Arizona