Figure 4. Lift buttons made from the high Cu SS (20 wt%) by PM technology....The University of Hong Kong
Figure 2. Viability of H1N1 on the surfaces of various metals (each point is the average value of three measurements)...The University of Hong Kong
Sample of the anti-COVID-19 high Cu stainless steel that can kill the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (S...The University of Hong Kong
From left to right: Dr. Alex Wing Hong Chin, Research Assistant Professor, School of Public Health, HKU; Professor Leo L...The University of Hong Kong
Figure 3. Photos of typical bacterial colonies on A) regular SS and B) the high Cu SS (20 wt%)...The University of Hong Kong
From left to right: Dr. Alex Wing Hong Chin, Research Assistant Professor, School of Public Health, HKU; Professor Leo L...The University of Hong Kong
Figure 1. Viability of the SARS-Cov-2 on the surfaces of various metals (each point is the average value of three measur...The University of Hong Kong
The LaB6 nanowire-based electron source and characteristics thereof....National Institute for Materials Science, Japan
The LaB6 nanowire-based electron source and characteristics thereof....National Institute for Materials Science, Japan
The LaB6 nanowire-based electron source and characteristics thereof....National Institute for Materials Science, Japan