Variations in starch granule morphology caused by mutations in genes from the starch biosynthetic pathway in barley...Okayama University
Researchers from Dongguk University propose a memristor device and crossbar array...Dongguk University Evaluation and Audit Team
Modulating polymerization of aromatic polyimides on carbon nanotubes for high-performance organic potassium-ion batterie...Science China Press
Stomidazolone, an imidazolone compound, reduces number of stomata by interfering MUTE-SCRM heterodimerization...Institute of Transformative Bio-Molecules (ITbM), Nagoya University
Schematic diagram of the sex differences in the development of human pre-gastrulation embryos....Science China Press
Ionic transport memristor characteristics schematic diagram: inspired by ionic nanochannels in biological cell membranes...Science China Press
Navigating the Future VI_Ocean and People_Ocean and Climate...Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research