Whitest beetle in the world. (IMAGE)
(A) Photograph of the Cyphochilus specimen demonstrating its white appearance. (B) SEM image of Cyphochilus scales. (C) Cross-sectional SEM image of a Cyphochilus scale. (D) Measured Rsolar spectra of Cyphochilus exoskeleton surfaces with and without scale covering. (E) Simulated backscattered power for incident light of four wavelengths (0.3, 0.5, 0.7, and 1.0 μm) as a function of the chitin filament diameter. (F) Simulated scattering center dimension–dependent variation in the ratio of the backscattered power and the total scattered power for 0.5 μm incident light. The orange shading indicates the size distribution of the chitin filament.
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