Atomic structure and elemental characterization of the CL-v phases via cryo-TEM. (IMAGE)
(A) HRTEM image of CMD-N-P2 taken along the 001 direction at ~77 K with an electron dose rate of ~0.68 e− Å−2 s−1 and a cumulative dose of ~1.1 e− Å−2. The inset displays the corresponding FFT pattern. (B) A magnified high-resolution image of CMD-N-P2 lattice fringes from a selected area of image (A), and (C) the corresponding atomic model in the 001 axis. A bright spot in image (B) corresponds to a column of organic groups in image (C), demonstrating a perfectly matched periodic symmetrical structure, as emphasized by the blue squares. The green double lines indicate the interplanar spacing corresponding to the (800) lattice planes. Simulated experimental image (D) and reciprocal lattice (E) are based on the 001 oriented structural model in (C). (F) The EELS spectrum of CMD-N-P2 exhibits clear onset features of P-L, Cl-L, C-K, N-K, and F-K edges, with a representative ADF image shown alongside. (G) HRTEM image, (H) atomic model along the 001 zone axis, and (I) EELS spectrum of BMD-N-P2.
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