The scaled jet transport coefficient q ̂/T^3 as a function of the medium temperature T. T < 0.17 GeV for the hadronic phase, and T > 0.17 GeV for the QGP phase, respectively. (IMAGE)
The numerical result of stronger jet quenching in the near-Tc region is consistent with that of previous theoretical study. Compared with the case of constant q/T3, the going-down T dependence of q/T3 causes a hard parton jet to lose more energy near the critical temperature Tc and therefore strengthens the azimuthal anisotropy for large pT hadron production. As a result, the elliptic flow parameter v2(pT) for large pT hadrons was enhanced by approximately 10% to better fit the data at RHIC/LHC. Considering the first-order phase transition from QGP to hadron and the hadron phase contribution to the jet energy loss, v2(pT) is again enhanced by 5-10% at RHIC/LHC.
Han-Zhong Zhang
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