Mid-infrared TGI results using pre-programmed, randomly selected probing patterns. (IMAGE)
Mid-infrared TGI results using pre-programmed, randomly selected probing patterns. (a) Experimental ghost image (cyan solid line) of a temporal object with a modulation speed of 625 kbps retrieved from 250 distinct temporal probing patterns. (b) Experimental ghost image of a temporal object with a modulation speed of 5 Mbps. In (a) and (b) the blue dashed line corresponds to direct detection with a 1 MHz bandwidth mid-infrared photodetector. (c) and (d) shows additional TGI results of other examples of 5 Mbps temporal objects. The orange and purple dashed lines represent the corresponding bit sequences measured at the output of the AWG.
by Han Wu, Bo Hu, Lu Chen, Fei Peng, Zinan Wang, Goëry Genty, Houkun Liang
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