Experimental setup for computational temporal ghost imaging based on frequency downconversion. (IMAGE)
Experimental setup for computational temporal ghost imaging based on frequency downconversion. Preprogrammed probing temporal patterns generated from the arbitrary waveform generator (AWG) are applied to an acousto-optic modulator operating in the 1.5 μm range (AOM1) to modulate the 1542 nm laser. The probing patterns are transferred to an idler wavelength at 3.4 μm using downconversion in a periodically poled lithium niobate crystal (PPLN) with a strong 1060 nm CW pump. The 3.4 μm idler light is transmitted through the temporal object generated by acousto-optic modulator operating in the 3 μm range (AOM2) and detected by a mid-infrared slow detector (MIR slow detector). The temporal intensity from the slow detector and the preprogrammed temporal probing patterns are recorded by the oscilloscope (OSC) and the temporal object is retrieved from their correlation. FC, fiber collimator; DM, dichroic mirror (HR@1135‒1600 nm, HT@1060 nm).
by Han Wu, Bo Hu, Lu Chen, Fei Peng, Zinan Wang, Goëry Genty, Houkun Liang
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