Figure 1 | GeSnOI platform versus conventional as-grown GeSn layer (IMAGE)
(a) Schematic diagram with TE and TM polarized propagating waves intensity profile at 2.4 µm wavelength. (b) TEM images of as-grown GeSn layer and GeSnOI with removed interface defects. (c) SEM images of GeSn microdisk resonators based on as-grown layer and GeSnOI platform. (d) In-plane strain variation, analyzed by Finite Element modeling (FEM), of GeSn and GeSnOI microdisks that due to the different designs and processing adopted. Here we plot the strain relative to initial residual post-growth compressive strain of -0.5% for the GeSn layer. The SiN layer was computed with initial compressive stress that can relax thus inducing positive strain variation. The SiN stressor on top and bottom allows for homogenously distributed tensile strain injection in the GeSnOI disk without the need to undercut the active region.
by Binbin Wang, Emilie Sakat, Etienne Herth, Maksym Gromovyi, Andjelika Bjelajac, Julien Chaste, Gilles Patriarche, Philippe Boucaud, Frédéric Boeuf, Nicolas Pauc, Vincent Calvo, Jérémie Chrétien, Marvin Frauenrath, Alexei Chelnokov, Vincent Reboud, Jean-Michel Hartmann and Moustafa El Kurdi
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